« 3. Choosing Your Parts and Operating System1. Getting Started »

2. A List of Everything you Will Need


  09:00:00 am by Admin, Categories: How to build a Computer

Ok are you relaxed? Feeling good? Let's talk about what you are going to need to build your new system.

Tools Needed

A good basic computer tool kit would be a wise investment, but if you don't want to pay for a kit, you may already have some or all of these tools already:

  • Phillips Head Screwdriver
  • Flat Heat Screwdriver
  • Long Nose Pliers
  • Anti-Static Strap
  • Flash light

Computer Parts Needed

Necessary Computer Parts

  • Case
  • Power Supply
  • Motherboard
  • Processor (CPU)
  • Memory (RAM)
  • CD-Rom Drive or DVD Drive
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Speakers
  • Monitor

Optional Computer Parts and Accessories

  • Floppy Drive
  • Video Card (If there is no onboard video or you are building a gaming machine)
  • Sound Card (if there is no onboard sound or you want high quality surround sound)
  • Modem (Used for a dial up internet connection if you are not going with Cable or DSL)
  • Power Strip (Highly Recommended)
  • Printer
  • Scanner

Patience Needed

As we continue along, make sure to stay calm and be patient. Forcing together the computer or missing a step will only lead to frustration as you build the computer. If you are a handyman, or have a natural ability to work with your hands or electronics then this should be easy for you.

Above we have listed the basic things needed to get you started. Next we will talk about the different computer parts, how to select the right ones, and which operating system to choose.

Next Step: Choosing Your Parts and Operating System >


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