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BACKGROUND - Nude pictures, unknown bills, weird Apps - we are seduced continuously with links we should Click. Well you should NOT!!!!
10 dangerous links to avoid.
The Web is one hell of a seductive place. Cyber wizards try to tickle your interest with links that look interesting or important, but they actually transfer you to landing pages filled with malware. Or they send you to pages inviting you to enter your username and password. Social engineering is the way they spread malware. Do NOT get Fooled!!! Below I will mention 10 different type of links you should NEVER Click.
1. Celebrities
Cybercriminals try to lure their victims with promises of juicy details about Celebrities. Or with Free Apps connecting to these Celebrities. Every year a list of top 10 names, which contain the most dangerous links, is published. "Lily Collins" has been named as the most dangerous Celebrity of 2013, according to McAfee.
2. Breaking!
Phishers (mis)use our curiosity by publishing "News" stories that we feel we need to know about. In the Aftermath of every Tsunami a enormous wave of spam mail follows. After every Bombing a explosion of Link traffic occurs. And after the death of a Celebrity, it rains with fake messages and malicious links.
Breaking News of a unknown source is dangerous, especially if it spread through the Social Media and you can't directly determine the source. Malware creators jump on the bandwagon quicker and smarter then ever before, through the use of SEO-Tricks they send us superfast to their "News".
3. Unknown software
We all know or are aware of not installing unknown software on our computers. We also know we should only download programmes from trusted sources. But why are we not using the same vigilance when using mobile devices?
How many Android-user tick the box "Downloads from unknown sources allowed" and subsequently download unwanted rubbish? Some Malware act like a legitimate app. Always double check what your downloading and always stick to the official app store. There is enough mobile malware out there, that will make your mobile send SMS to premium numbers, steal your passwords or setup your Android-device to be used by a botnet.
4. Free downloads
If you navigate the dark ally's of the internet, you must be prepared to be attacked. Criminals will lure you with free porn, Licence codes for software or illegally uploaded movies or music. But when you start to download it goes wrong.
There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
Both, the offered Freebees or the so called "Necessary" download tools may bring malware with them. Now try and get rid of them. Cleaning a PC is not free; It takes a lot off time and expensive cleaning and security tools. And if you infected a device at your Work, it can even cost you your job.
5. Scandals
"Are you aware of the ESSEX sextape with Joey and Sam? No? Here is the link.
Would you be so kind and share this on Twitter and Google+?"
This is the kind of Scandal teasers you shouldn't be eluded to.!!! Remember, if there were a sextape of Joey and Sam then surely it would be on the SUN or any tabloid. And they would not publish this without the link.
6. Bargain Hunting
A Cheap Ipad, a Certificate an Exotic Holiday - erverything is Cheap. Or even better Free. "Congratulations, u are our 1.000.000 Visitor! Click here to claim your Prize" Flashing Banner's
Just ignore and continue surfing. If an offer sounds to good to be true, than it probably is . Here we go once more. And make this your Mantra.
There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
7. Attachment with Bill (Credit note).
You'll probably used to receive invoice, credit notes or bills online via email. In June securityfirm Kaspersky detected a incredibly well constructed virus email. It looked to be originated from the respected data-company LexisNexis. Complete with legitimate looking return address and the LexisNexis-logo. The attached PDF "Invoice" was a ZIP file containing a Trojan.
So be prepared to challenge any incoming bills or invoices if you don't expect them.
8. Charities
In the wake of a Natural Disaster people are very quick to donate money for help through various charities. Be vigilant when receiving emails from so called charities, make sure their attached email addresses are correct. If it states Red-Cross check the email is indeed from the Red-Cross. Before you enter you bank account details, check whether the charity is genuine.
9. Exclusive Access
Promised to get "Exclusive Access" to a clip or story, provided you logon with your Facebook-account or one of the other social media site? Unfortunately you will not find the exclusive. You would if it was a "genuine members only" site. If you can't find the clip or story on any of the tabloid sites, believe me you won't find it here.
10. Questionnaires
Don't ask me why, but people enter all kinds of online questionnaires. Or they want to know how other people voted and click on a poll. And the you notice you have to enter personal details before the results are revealed. Even if you just spend five minutes answering questions, you are not going to give personal information to someone you don't know do you? Please stick to sites and sources that you know and Trust.
If you have any questions or you think you system might be affected and need help, give us a call on 07889413011.
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